The Blonde Leading the Blind Podcast

Let Core Values Be Your Guide

Episode Summary

Core Values are the nonnegotiable priorities to inform decision-making and guide actions. How is a Core Values list beneficial? What should you include on your list? Listen in for a helpful tool to find and align with what you value most.

Episode Notes

Core Values are the nonnegotiable priorities to inform your decision-making and guide your actions. They're more than just stuff you want to possess or achieve; they reflect the essence of who you are, how you create, and what you seek. How is a Core Values list beneficial? What should you include on your list? JP and Irene share personal and professional insights, including the V.A.L.U.E.S. Assessment to help you create a list that'll be your ultimate GPS for navigating just about any situation in your life. 

As promised in the podcast, here's the V.A.L.U.E.S. Assessment for quick reference.  V - Vital
A - Actionable
L - Long-term
U - Unique to YOU
E - Energizing
S - Soul-centered

Reach out to JP and Irene anytime via the links below. 

Hey! It's Irene Williams and JP Williams, here. We're life coaches who happen to be married to each other.  Thanks for tuning into our conversational podcasts where we share practical perspectives  to help you coach yourself. 

To learn more about each of us, visit our websites and follow us on social media. 

Irene's a longtime biz owner and entrepreneur who exited her digital marketing agency to focus full-time on the personal development industry, neuroscience- and trauma-informed life coaching, and teaching digital organization and wellness.

JP came to life coaching following a successful career as a performing songwriter. After co-writing a 3-week number 1 song and many years with a music publishing deal, JP is now an ICF-certified coach helping people be their most confident, creative selves.